They say that misunderstandings between you and your friends strengthen the friendship. This way, you’ll both realize your mistakes and differences, and will understand each other much better than before. When we experience misunderstandings or quarrel among our friends, we think that it’s just right that the person who made the mistake should be the one who’ll apologize and make a move to reunite the friendship. That’s how we think. Pride hinders us to apologize to someone we had hurt. Sometimes we want to apologize but we don’t know how to approach them and we’re too afraid that they might just ignore us. What we don’t know is if someone really values you as a friend, we don’t know need any explanation and even a single a word is useless. Just a simple smile and hug from a friend is enough to ease all the anger and restore the friendship. This is what I learned from these past few days. Yes, it is true that the one who made the mistake should be the one who’ll apologize, but sometime...