As I was thinking what to blog, my memory rushed with the thought of my father’s health condition. The recent news about him really struck me. I feel scared for him. Although, it’s not that severe as anyone would think, I hope so, because he still looks normal to us. He just had his x-ray result a week ago, then the doctor diagnosed that his artery in his heart is swollen, aside from that his having a high blood pressure. The doctor said that if not given attention it may possibly result to stroke. As of now, he was advised to rest, balance his food diet and take his medications.
If someone would ask me what the most important thing in my life is, it would be my family. Everything about them matters to me. All my life, I always think of them, it’s them who always come first. It’s them who inspired me to keep going even if everyday is a struggle. They’re with me in my hopes, dreams and in my prayers. They are my strengths but in some point of my life they are also my weakness, just as these past few days. I worry too much for him. I hope he’ll get well soon. Every night I prayed for his recovery, for their long life, to be with us in more years to come.
I can’t imagine my life without them. I owe my life to them; I’ll be nothing if not because of them. It’s just right to return all my gratitude to them. There’s never an instance that I think of just myself. In every decision I made or will make in the near future, they will always be a big factor to consider. Since when I was young, there’s one thing that sticks in my mind that I should always be thankful for being a part of this family God has given to me. I should never take for granted all they’ve done for us and always be a blessing to them.
I thought writing about family would be easier because these people are close to me but obviously I’m wrong. I realized today, it’s hard to open up something that close to your heart without making yourself feel sad.