According to wikipedia.org:
Laziness (also called indolence) is disinclination to activity or exertion despite having the ability to do so. It is often used as a pejorative. Chronic laziness may be an underlying psychological condition.
We all have our lazy days. Times when we are not in the mood to work. I believe, it is just normal to feel this way once in a while. But if the feeling of laziness becomes constant, then I think there’s something already wrong.
When you are surrounded with lazy people, it also affects you. Chances are, you also tends to be lazy too. As I said, it’s just normal if it’s once in a while and besides, it’s up to you on how to handle it. In my case, it pisses me off being with someone so lazy everyday. As if it is already a routine for him. Because of his laziness, sometimes it messes everything that should be done. The thing that really pisses me off is that when that person has to pass his task to other person just because he can’t stand from his chair doing some other things and pretending to be cooperative by trying to raise some questions and suggestions but then still not help to do that work. grrrr… Anyway, enough of this, I don’t intend to write a blog about him.
Back to being lazy, there are ways to avoid being lazy. When you’re feeling lazy to do anything this are things that might help. If you have something to do, then just do it, no more waiting and resting especially if you know that you have to do it immediately and it is a priority. Eventually, you won’t notice that you have already finished your task, after this, it will give you some accomplishment and motivate you to do more. Be reasonable, think of the consequences it may cause you when you just go with your feeling of laziness. Besides, it’s not just you who will be affected with your actions. It will also affect your whole personality for the fact that it is indeed a negative trait.
This is just part of my sentiments. I hope that person will realize how he behaved all the time.