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Showing posts from July, 2024

Trauma has its name..

Some of us aren't lucky enough to have a glorious childhood or teenage days. Some of us have to dealt with terrible loneliness, crying their selves to sleep, sitting alone in the park, constant yelling at home, much worst seeing their parents hurt each other both verbally/emotionally and physically. As I grow up, my sense of insecurity also grew up rapidly whenever I saw some kid having bonding moment with their families or having a good laugh over something or just petty things. Asking myself every time, will it get better? But I know, things won't change in a snap of your finger or a tick of a magic wand just like in some fairy tales we've watched when we were a kid. I grew up believing, happiness will come to me if I work hard for myself, for them to provide whatever they need. Maybe, just maybe things will change.  Physical wounds heals easy, but emotional pains stays within you. It is forcefully stored inside, keeping it from others to see, it will either make you or b

Time Table

When I was in highschool, probably on my 2nd year, I remember our teacher made us do a journal, that we need to design with whatever we want to before putting something to write. I used a plain notepad I bought in national bookstore and designed it with dried rose petals on each page as a border. It was so cute that it looked like an old diary. By the way, I can't recall where did I got those rose petals or to whom are those because I'm sure it's not mine. I remember putting those in between the pages of my book weeks before that so it could dry the way I want it.  Anyway, the first task our teacher told us to do was to write something how do we see ourselves 10 years from now (that time). I was so young, and thought that life awaits for me is just that simple. I remember writing about me working as a typical office girl, with nothing on my mind or no idea at all what kind of job I would be working. By the age of 25, I remember writing that I see myself having my own family


For the independent ones, who doesn't let their family know their worries because they don't like them to be worried about anything. For the breadwinners, who many times have nothing left on their pockets but still have to find way just to provide. For the strong ones, who choose to stand still because they know they don't have anyone as back-up but themselves. For those who choose to go on, because they know giving up is not option, because what will happen to everyone they care if it's just them who holds it together. For those who sets aside their happiness because there is more important than that. This is for YOU. Though many times, things happens not as much what you want or planned for, one day, time will come, everything will take its place accordingly. One day, you will no longer worry for tomorrow. One day, you no longer stare at your monthly expenses or your monthly bills, thinking where you will get it. One day, you will no longer feel guilty whenever you b