Some of us aren't lucky enough to have a glorious childhood or teenage days. Some of us have to dealt with terrible loneliness, crying their selves to sleep, sitting alone in the park, constant yelling at home, much worst seeing their parents hurt each other both verbally/emotionally and physically.
As I grow up, my sense of insecurity also grew up rapidly whenever I saw some kid having bonding moment with their families or having a good laugh over something or just petty things. Asking myself every time, will it get better? But I know, things won't change in a snap of your finger or a tick of a magic wand just like in some fairy tales we've watched when we were a kid. I grew up believing, happiness will come to me if I work hard for myself, for them to provide whatever they need. Maybe, just maybe things will change.
Physical wounds heals easy, but emotional pains stays within you. It is forcefully stored inside, keeping it from others to see, it will either make you or break you. Sometimes, for trying so hard to keep the pain away, it makes you believe that it's gone, but sometimes pain gets it's way to escape and get out of your chest. Sometimes, something triggers you to feel sad, sometimes you don't understand why.
Forgetting is hard but realizing that you won't have another chance of being a child to experience a happy life we deserved and things will not change ever is much more harder than it is.