Our friendship starts back in year 2007. I met her in my previous work, were not really friends at first because we both have our different circle of friends then. My first impression to her was that she was a snob girl (^-^ sorry nget, it’s just my first impression); she doesn’t seem to be friendly so I did not make any move to make friends at her at that time. But things change when we both became a member in one team in our workplace. When the group started to go out and have some fun, that’s the time we started to get along together. In that case, I’m wrong with my first impression to her and that she is not bad at all ^_^. We became more at ease together when she moved to another place and started to go home together after work. Many was surprised that we became friends and we’re laughing about that, what’s the matter if we became friends?..
Although, we both belonged in different religion, it was never an issue to us. I remember, she frequently asked me then if it’s okay with me and my family going out with a Muslim friend and I always answered her that it’s okay and as I said It was never an issue to me as well as with my family. The important thing is we get along well and we both understand each other.
She’s currently working abroad – before, I thought that it would affect our friendship, chances are we both forget each other but thankfully until now we’re still friends. While I was having a chat with her the other day, I made a joke to her that I assume she doesn’t get to the point yet of hiding from me online and forgetting me (coz’, she’s always in invisible status in chat). She said in a joke that, “it’s not yet” then I answered back at her that perhaps then it is possible that it would happen. Although, it was just a joke between us, I was easily affected by it with just a mere thought of losing our friendship.
> normie
I hope our friendship would last.. I ‘ll hold on to that! Thanks for everything and for being a true friend to me. You know, these days it’s very rare now to find a true friend, that’s why I would like to treasure our friendship..
touch ako ng pagkabonggang-bongga! hehehhe... joke lng ung sinabi ko sau... masyado mong dinibdib... but it's good atleast me naisulat k sa blog mo... hehhehe... seriously nget, i'm glad that we're friends and you know, how much our friendship means to me.