I think it's more than 2 weeks now since we last talked .. I miss our small talks , our laughs .. everything !
If I have to say sorry to you a thousand times .. i would .. i mean it ..
Sometimes , i think i'm just being paranoid and exaggerating things .. but i think not .. this is not usual anymore ..
I know and understand that your upcoming wedding is a very special event in your life .. so special that you wanted so badly that special people in your life would be there for you to share it with .. And I am so grateful and thankful that you consider me as one of those .. We've been friends for so many years , we manage to keep our friendship despite of distance , and i am happy with that .. You've been a part of my everyday life , it's like there something missing if a day or week passed by without having a talk with you ..
I don't wanna let you down .. i don't intend to .. but I already did .. I feel sorry for that ..
I already told you this before .. i know you knew how much i wanted to come to your wedding .. you know how excited I am the moment you told me about it .. I don't know anymore how to explain myself to you .. explaining it to you over and over again is non - sense .. it wouldn't change a thing .. still , i couldn't come .. i'm sad about it because I will not be there to witness your once in a lifetime happiness ..
My sister told me to give you time but i miss you so much my friend .. please talk to me ..
I'm sorry for disappointing you .. I'm sorry for giving some burden before your wedding ..