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the singer in me .. :)

I always wanted to learn to play a guitar. Way back in my high school days, someone taught me some basics of playing a guitar before. For some reasons, I stopped my guitar lessons. And as I grow, the thought of learning it again always slips through my head. As of now, I haven’t made any action of how will I pursue it again. First, I don’t have my own guitar and I have to save some money for me to buy that. Next, the problem is, NO ONE will teach me. I know someone who would be willing to teach me just for free, but I was kinda hesitate of that for some personal reasons. So maybe I better find someone else if ever I would really pursue it.

Apart from it, next is I always wanted to be a singer (this is just a little dream inside of me and I know far from reality.. hehe). I wanted to experience singing in a stage, just like the singers or pop stars. Singing in a stage while playing a guitar like Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift and Avril Lavigne. I love music. I know how to sing but not the kind of singer voice quality. Singing in a videoke or in music bars is my favorite hang-out with my sister, cousins and friends. It’s like you already knew what song you’re going to sing at the moment you’re in front of a videoke machine and then later on not letting go of the microphone. I guess it would always be just a dream. :)

I remember last month, we went in Music Bank located at the Macapagal Avenue with my cousins. I must say that it’s the best KTV music bar I ever seen. They have organized and wide selection song books. Super clean air-conditioned KTV room, modern equipments plus they have microphone caps, so you won’t be infected from the previous user of the mic. They may even give you a complimentary food, a big tray of different sliced fruits as way of thanking the customers (take note: it’s the boss who’ll personally deliver the complimentary food.. nice ! ) It’s best to go there especially if you’re a large group who wanted and enjoy singing like me.


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