One of my goals this year is to pursue work abroad . I have sent so many applications online since January but I haven't received any response until now.
Today is my another attempt to try to get a work abroad. I saw their ads last night, since I am on a vacation leave, I went to this agency just this afternoon. The job posting is for front office position to be deployed in Canada. They didn't indicate in the list of qualifications that an applicant should have a work experience in a hotel. So I assumed that I am still qualified for the position although my previous work experience is not exactly as the front office staff, I believe I am still capable to do the duties and responsibilities of the said position because part of my job before is also like a front office staff in Marketing Department. After the interview, they just told me that they will call me or text me as soon as my application is considered. haaaays ...

I always wanted to work abroad. That's my dream. That's my only hope and way to fulfill my parent's dream. I don't want it to be their forever dream or be forever frustrations. I'll do everything to make it happen.
Keep waiting. I need more patience. One day, soon, I'll be in that plane going somewhere in the world that is much better than I expected and wanted. :)