Last April 17, 2012, I happened to read the message from the Facebook application GOD WANTS YOU TO KNOW ..
" On this day, God wants you to know that difficult people are very important, - they teach you tolerance and acceptance. If all was going your way all the time, you would become a spoiled child, wouldn't everyone? Difficult people are just one of the ways God teaches us to expand beyond our egos and accept of other perspectives on life. "
What if I can no longer tolerate someone's attitude and I can't stand being with that person anymore? That someone happens to be the person who used to be my friend. Does that mean I failed to the test of God?
I admit, I used to enjoy her company and that we have lots of happy moments together before. But those were the times that I am still patient with all her mood swings, childish ways and being closed-mindedness. Those were the times that I can still tolerate everything about her that makes me annoyed.
Most of my friend told me that I do have a very long patience but everything has a limit. And with almost two years of our friendship, she already pushed me to the edge of my patience. I can't stand it anymore. Nowadays, I easily get irritated by her. I'm so impatient when it comes to her even in small things that I used to ignore. Most of the time, I speak up what's in my mind without thinking or worrying if it's okay to her or would it hurt her. I am so tired of worrying about her feelings, that it should always about her first and that I have to understand her at all times. With her, I can no longer feel that I am her friend, it's like I've been taking care a little child ever since and not having a friend.
Sometimes, I feel guilty with how I treat her nowadays because I am being so insensitive with her feelings. I remember the last time we fought, I told her everything why I am angry, she doesn't get the point I am trying to make her understand instead she told me that I, whom she considered and treated as friend don't understand her then, what more did she expect to other people around her? That if she can't depend on me because I can't stand her ways, then she can't depend to others as well. Maybe she was right...
I wanted to avoid her. I wanted us to be just as casual as possible, I am more comfortable that way. But at the same time, I am worried that if I leave her behind and continue avoiding her, who else would understand her?No one will be left with her as her friend. She doesn't have other friend anymore, our other friends have their own new circle of friends.