Years ago, when I am being asked if I drink alcohol, I would answer right away "occasionally" .. Yes that's true! And that means, I only drink during birthdays, reunions, Christmas, New Year, etc. There has to be a reason for me when I'm having a drinking sessions with friends or relatives.

It was last year when I started hanging out and be part of my new found circle of friends. It was the time when I thought I don't have a friend at all and I found them. These are the people in the office that I thought I'll never be closed to (it was just my first impression, and again I'm wrong). I'm happy with them.

Nowadays, with or without reason, we usually have our drinking sessions plus videoke and food trip during weekends or Friday night after our work shift, either in a friend's house or in a bar just to have some fun or just to burn out the stress from work. Some might find this wrong or that we or they are not a good company to be with, but NO. They are just like any other individual people who just know how to enjoy life. In fact, they are nice and cool to be with. There's no such a dull moment when we're all together. From the first day I hanged out with them and until now, I can say that I already knew each and everyone's personality. They are good people who have good hearts too and like me, a family-oriented individuals.