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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Random Thoughts

"The healthiest homes aren't the ones without problems, the healthiest families are the ones that love each other in the midst of their problems"

I never wished for a perfect family, I never said that I am not grateful for the family I have. They are my strength and my weakness at the same time. I just wished that in the midst of our problems, we could still stay positive and strong enough to handle things, instead of non-stop complaining and blaming each other.

It's no fun of feeling envy or jealous because it makes me feel inadequate and acknowledge what's missing in my life. I can't help not to feel jealous to those people who have a kind of family of somehow close to being perfect. They do have problems too, but they're still able to talk about things and try to fix whatever they are going through. Lack of money was never been a big deal to them, instead they hold on and try to keep the family tight because it's the only thing they have. They're still able to laugh out like there was no tomorrow and they still treat their children like kids, as if they're not growing up, leaving all the pain and mistakes behind.

We do have happy moments too but sometimes when things get rough.. I wish everything was different. It happens over and over again.. and I am so tired of it.

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