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Saturday, December 12, 2009

fear of loosing the friendship..

Our friendship starts back in year 2007. I met her in my previous work, were not really friends at first because we both have our different circle of friends then. My first impression to her was that she was a snob girl (^-^ sorry nget, it’s just my first impression); she doesn’t seem to be friendly so I did not make any move to make friends at her at that time. But things change when we both became a member in one team in our workplace. When the group started to go out and have some fun, that’s the time we started to get along together. In that case, I’m wrong with my first impression to her and that she is not bad at all ^_^. We became more at ease together when she moved to another place and started to go home together after work. Many was surprised that we became friends and we’re laughing about that, what’s the matter if we became friends?..

Although, we both belonged in different religion, it was never an issue to us. I remember, she frequently asked me then if it’s okay with me and my family going out with a Muslim friend and I always answered her that it’s okay and as I said It was never an issue to me as well as with my family. The important thing is we get along well and we both understand each other.

She’s currently working abroad – before, I thought that it would affect our friendship, chances are we both forget each other but thankfully until now we’re still friends. While I was having a chat with her the other day, I made a joke to her that I assume she doesn’t get to the point yet of hiding from me online and forgetting me (coz’, she’s always in invisible status in chat). She said in a joke that, “it’s not yet” then I answered back at her that perhaps then it is possible that it would happen. Although, it was just a joke between us, I was easily affected by it with just a mere thought of losing our friendship.

> normie

I hope our friendship would last.. I ‘ll hold on to that! Thanks for everything and for being a true friend to me. You know, these days it’s very rare now to find a true friend, that’s why I would like to treasure our friendship..

Thursday, December 10, 2009

why am i blogging?..

A blog (a contraction of the term "web log") is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art (Art blog), photographs (photoblog), videos (video blogging), music (MP3 blog), and audio (podcasting). Microblogging is another type of blogging, featuring very short posts. (from

I started blogging last July 27, 2009 and my first post was about fractured friendships. I wrote that maybe because it was brought by my emotions with regards to my friends. From then on, I continued writing and posting here in my personal blog - personal, because this serves as my online journal or diary. Thru blogging, I can let out my thoughts and emotions without reservations which I can’t show in reality. I don’t need to think of what would people would think of me upon reading my posts, besides it’s my thoughts. I don’t expect every one to understand me and agree with whatever I post here, all I need is respect as I do respect them.

Although, I’m just a beginner in blogging, I’ve always love writing about my thoughts even the time when blogging is not yet discovered. I remember especially during my adolescence period, I always keep a paper and pen with me. Every time, I thought of something and felt that I have no one to talk to, there’s the paper and pen to me. It’s always been like a friend to me who’ll always be there to listen and understand me. Especially when I’m upset; it’s a relief to me every time I’ve finished something I wrote.

Every month, I always assure myself that I wrote something for my blog. I promised myself that I should never stop my passion in writing.

Maybe this was all the purpose of blogging to me.

Monday, December 7, 2009


These past few days, I’ve realized something about myself, of me being single. I realized that when I’m alone or trying to sleep at night while listening to music, and one of those songs reminds me of my ex – doesn’t mean that I’m not totally over with him or I regret something I have decided from the past and misses him, but just because I miss having someone..

Late at night, when I climb into my bed, sometimes, I get that lonely ache in my heart as I’m reminded how long it’s been since I’ve been in a relationship and to be loved. I wonder if there are also singles out there like me feeling this way. Sometimes, being single subjects you to be engaged in a very stressful emotional feeling. It never fails that there’s a friend, even family or relatives wonder aloud why up to now I don’t have a boyfriend or someone I would marry someday. Sometimes, I wonder if there is something wrong with me.. I’m not the “ms. popular girl” we used to know with lots of guys courting her - however, I don’t wish to be one. Some would say, I should find someone and I’m not getting any younger. The problem is I’m not the type of girl who’ll play the “do you like me” game or rather make the first move and express your feeling in case you have an eye with someone. Not everyone takes this approach, and I’m one of them.

I often experience a twinge of social stigmatism of being single, especially during holidays in December, January and February – an outcast.

However, being single, makes me have a strong sense of myself – to explore what I really want in my life and give importance to myself. Sometimes, these are the things we deprive from ourselves when being in a relationship. I have the most of my freedom and time to better myself. I have more time to do my hobbies and interests.

It takes me a lot of courage to post this one. As I’ve always said, I don’t like people to know what’s really inside of me and I don’t need pity from them.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

fly like a butterfly..

A butterfly is an insect of the order Lepidoptera. Like all holometabolous butterflies' life cycle consists of four parts, egg, larve, pupa and adult. Most species are diurnal. The diverse patterns formed by their brightly coloured wings and their erratic flight have made butterfly watching a hobby. (from

I like butterflies, I don’t know why aside from its beauty. Maybe because for me, I find it a very peaceful feeling every time I saw a butterfly flying and lingering around a flower or even in a simple plant. It symbolizes different things depending on the perception of a person. Some people say that when a butterfly lands on you it means good luck. Sometimes, it also depends on the color of the butterfly, for instance a black butterfly lingering around your house means death of one of the member of the family. Anyway, all of this symbolism has nothing to do with my interest in butterflies.

It can be use for decorations and art. I remember I had a candle holder which looks like a mini lamp with butterflies in different colors as a design to it. It was given by a friend to me as Christmas present which I treasure up to now. (I know you’ll read this ^_^ ) She said I can use it for meditation, there’s a joke behind this which the two of us only knew (I hope u still remember it until now ^_^ ). When you lit a candle inside it, you’ll see the images of butterflies reflected from the lamp, that’s the best I like from it.

Sometimes, I wonder what the butterflies think when it flies. I see freedom and calmness on it when it flies. I like the simple way of the butterfly lives, the way it picks a flower where it fed on to. I hope people are like them too, that when you want something you can easily decide on what you really want and at the same time you can easily get what you want just like the butterfly it can choose whatever flower it likes.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

words unspoken..

All my life, I always wished for a happy family. For some people, they thought I’ve got everything I’ve wanted, nice job, happy family and a lot of friends. But the truth is they’re all wrong, yes I have a job, I chose the term job because I don’t consider this as a lifetime career, for now it’s just a source of income to sustain our needs. I don’t have anything to say with regards to my friends, I have a lot of them, true friends which I keep up to now. The main problem that depresses me much is my family.

* to my parents

I’m sorry because we can’t give you the life that you wanted. I’m sorry because I can’t give you any assurance for now if and how will I achieve what you want for us like having our own house and the studies of my two younger siblings. I’m sorry for the frustrations brought by my other siblings to you. I always asked myself if the main source of our misunderstandings is money. Sad to say, money brings conflicts to family. I’m thinking what if we have enough money for everything we need, is this all gonna end? I can’t tell you all my plans in my life, because I don’t want to give you false hopes. I’m afraid to lose this battle I’ve always fought for, the battle of life. Pa, I pray for your health, for your full recovery. Thanks for the eagerness to stand your role as a father to us; you showed a good example for being such a responsible father to us. Ma, may you find peace, patience and forgiveness in your heart for all that happened to us. Please don’t lose hope.

* to my kuya

Thanks for being there and staying with us, you’ve made a great sacrifice in your own life just for us. Thanks for being patient and responsible brother. I’m always scared in just a mere thought of you leaving us and making your own life. Although I know, this will not be forever and time will come you also need to face your own life. If that time will come, don’t worry I will not be angry to you, you did enough. I just have to prepare myself for the responsibility you may leave with me. I can do it with the Lord’s guidance.

* to my ate

I know you’re sorry for the mistakes you’ve made, you just don’t have enough courage to say sorry to them. I know it takes a lot of courage to do it. Even if you say so, sometimes a word sorry is not enough to pick up the pieces that is already broken. Please don’t lose hope, be strong not just for you but for the sake of your daughter. May you find light in your mind and in your heart on what you really want in your life. Everything will be alright if you just help yourself too.

* to my friends

Thanks for being there always, for being patient hearing my stories, for keeping the friendship. You really don’t know how it helps me to go through this, it gives me strength just a thought that you’re there and ready to listen. You don’t need to speak just to assure me that you’re there. I don’t have to mention names, you knew it!

Friday, November 13, 2009

pissed off!

According to

Laziness (also called indolence) is disinclination to activity or exertion despite having the ability to do so. It is often used as a pejorative. Chronic laziness may be an underlying psychological condition.


We all have our lazy days. Times when we are not in the mood to work. I believe, it is just normal to feel this way once in a while. But if the feeling of laziness becomes constant, then I think there’s something already wrong.

When you are surrounded with lazy people, it also affects you. Chances are, you also tends to be lazy too. As I said, it’s just normal if it’s once in a while and besides, it’s up to you on how to handle it. In my case, it pisses me off being with someone so lazy everyday. As if it is already a routine for him. Because of his laziness, sometimes it messes everything that should be done. The thing that really pisses me off is that when that person has to pass his task to other person just because he can’t stand from his chair doing some other things and pretending to be cooperative by trying to raise some questions and suggestions but then still not help to do that work. grrrr… Anyway, enough of this, I don’t intend to write a blog about him.

Back to being lazy, there are ways to avoid being lazy. When you’re feeling lazy to do anything this are things that might help. If you have something to do, then just do it, no more waiting and resting especially if you know that you have to do it immediately and it is a priority. Eventually, you won’t notice that you have already finished your task, after this, it will give you some accomplishment and motivate you to do more. Be reasonable, think of the consequences it may cause you when you just go with your feeling of laziness. Besides, it’s not just you who will be affected with your actions. It will also affect your whole personality for the fact that it is indeed a negative trait.

This is just part of my sentiments. I hope that person will realize how he behaved all the time.

Friday, November 6, 2009

family matters..

As I was thinking what to blog, my memory rushed with the thought of my father’s health condition. The recent news about him really struck me. I feel scared for him. Although, it’s not that severe as anyone would think, I hope so, because he still looks normal to us. He just had his x-ray result a week ago, then the doctor diagnosed that his artery in his heart is swollen, aside from that his having a high blood pressure. The doctor said that if not given attention it may possibly result to stroke. As of now, he was advised to rest, balance his food diet and take his medications.

If someone would ask me what the most important thing in my life is, it would be my family. Everything about them matters to me. All my life, I always think of them, it’s them who always come first. It’s them who inspired me to keep going even if everyday is a struggle. They’re with me in my hopes, dreams and in my prayers. They are my strengths but in some point of my life they are also my weakness, just as these past few days. I worry too much for him. I hope he’ll get well soon. Every night I prayed for his recovery, for their long life, to be with us in more years to come.

I can’t imagine my life without them. I owe my life to them; I’ll be nothing if not because of them. It’s just right to return all my gratitude to them. There’s never an instance that I think of just myself. In every decision I made or will make in the near future, they will always be a big factor to consider. Since when I was young, there’s one thing that sticks in my mind that I should always be thankful for being a part of this family God has given to me. I should never take for granted all they’ve done for us and always be a blessing to them.

I thought writing about family would be easier because these people are close to me but obviously I’m wrong. I realized today, it’s hard to open up something that close to your heart without making yourself feel sad.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

a review

For all those who don’t know me, I’m fascinated by reading books, any kinds of novels that captures my interest. As of now, I just finished reading “The Testament" by John Grisham, so here’s my review of it. To the readers of my blog, hope you like it. :)

Title: The Testament

Author: John Grisham


Troy Phelan, a billionaire jumps to his death, just moments after signing his will. A holographic will, handwritten by him which revokes all his prior will. He has three ex-wives and six children who are circling around Troy Phelan’s lawyers like a vulture waiting for them to tell them what they have inherited.

The children of the dead billionaire get the shock of their lives when they found out that they were only left enough to cover their debts as of the time of death of their father and that their father has an illegitimate daughter named Rachel Lane that he is leaving everything of his fortune to.

The law firm handling the estate of the father needed a lawyer to find the missing heir. However she is a missionary in the Jungles of Brazil and looks like she doesn’t want to be found. So to find Rachel Lane, they send Nate O’Riley freshly out of rehab and about to be indighted by the IRS, he goes on an adventure to find her. Nate O’Riley is a self-confessed alcoholic, involved in drugs, women, and different kinds of addictions before. He’s also been in rehab four times but always back to his crash life every after rehab. Now, the adventure in search for Rachel Lane, also challenges Nate whether he would be clean and sober for good this time.

While in the jungles of Brazil, Nate finds Rachel, a woman of faith who doesn’t want the money and content of having a simple life with the native people. The very Christian Rachel shows him about the power of prayer and how Jesus can free him from his addictions. He promises not to reveal her whereabouts and he returns home.

Once home he decides to protect her interests and to keep her greedy brothers and sisters from getting the money. He strikes a bargain with them and must return to Brazil in able to settle things. When he returns he learns that Rachel has died from malaria and left him as her trustee for her funds.


This is the first time I’ve read a craft of John Grisham. It’ s a very wonderful novel of him. It contains so much drama in the life of the characters involve. Readers of this novel would learn so many lessons from this. The novel shows how miserable the life of a billionaire, Troy Phelan in spite of all success and being wealthy. This just means that being rich, although you have all the means to buy and do things you want, you can’t get happiness through this. Sad to say, people becomes greedy when it comes to money. In this story, the children of Troy Phelan that suppose to be the heirs of his entire estate are the greedy ones plus a bunch of their lawyers who also cares nothing but money and fame.

Sometimes, the upbringing of the parents and their presence in the life of a child while they are growing is a big factor on a child’s behavior and the outcome of their future. This is shown in the story, maybe Troy tried to fulfill his negligence and absence in the life of his children by pampering them through his money but obviously he failed. All his children are miserable, they know nothing but to waste and spend money which they do not earn or work hard for. Including the money given to them when they reach the age of 21 is wasted in just a short span of time. That’s why the old man just leave them enough money to cover all their debts because he knew that if they are given the appropriate fortune as an heir, it would not last to them and all his hardship on his estate will just vanished. The old man preferred to give the remainder of his estate to his illegitimate heir Rachel Lane who is a missionary, maybe because he knew that Rachel has a good heart.

Nate O’Riley, the lawyer chosen to find Rachel Lane, is also a failure in his own life, that’s why his oldest son looks like also doing his own failure. His children hates him for being an alcoholic, all he’d done in his life and his absence while they are growing. In the case of Nate, he is lucky for having a chance to rebuild his life including his relationship with his children and it’s all because of Rachel. Unlike Troy, who ends his life through suicide, all his failures to his children were also buried with his death.

Rachel is really a woman of faith, money means nothing to her although she knows that her inheritance will help her fulfill his mission for the needs of the native people. Because of her, Nate changed his life for good. Through the character of Nate, it shows how great God is. Even a person you thought to be worst, still has a chance to restart a new beginning in his life. It’s never too late to all of us.

I like the way Grisham narrates the story, the courthouse scene & the legal matters discussed in the novel was great which I thought that it would be boring. I like the part of Nate in the courtroom, tearing the Phelan heirs into pieces, he make them look stupid while he asked them a series of questions. I don’t like the part of adventure of Nate in the river, it’s a bit scary! One last thing, I dont like the ending, I dont like the idea of death of Rachel. She doesn't deserve it. But anyway, maybe it's also the will of God why it happened, maybe to lessen the complications it will brought to the Phelans to know that Rachel exists in their life. No more other than that, overall the novel was good.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

a tragedy

Two days after the horror storm “Ondoy”, while the Philippine authorities are still busy to the rescue operations and humanitarian assistance to those victims, I realized today how lucky I am and my family because we’re not one of them. Although, I also have to struggle to cross thigh-level floods and be stranded just to get home and that our workplace and the area where we live was also affected by floods, we’re still fortunate compare to those people who lost not just their homes but their loved ones.

In times like this, Filipinos shows that bayanihan spirit still lives in each of us, no matter what’s their position in life, even the ordinary people, rich and famous artist tried to help in any way not just in monetary terms. Sad to say, those people that should be expected to be more helpful to those in need are not present during these. Anyway, it will be good to all of us especially those unfortunate victims of “Ondoy”, if we all pray for each in everyone to recover from this tragedy and stop blaming others of what happened.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

so upset..

At last, we’re already done in the 10th year anniversary celebration of the company. I must say that it was a success! We almost filled the whole coliseum and the guests enjoyed the show. Prior to the event, we noticed that our immediate boss which is the marketing manager of the company was already stressed and depressed at the same time. We always hear him say all his complains in relation to the whole preparation for the event, because of this we have the slight idea what was going on.

During the event, in spite of being busy and tired because we’re part of the marketing team, we still managed to enjoy the show. We didn’t know that after all the success and enjoyment that night, there’s a bad news waiting to explode on us.

Last night, we had a meeting, my boss relay to us the reason of his depression and stress the whole time. He said that he knows we will be hurt of it, but he just want for us to know the truth. Prior to the event, he received unkind text messages from the big boss, it was full of complains & blames on our part to the extent of doubting our capabilities as a marketing team if we really can handle our job, specifically me. This is the exact words from the text messages she sent “ask your secretary if she can handle her job?” These words hurt me so much the moment I heard it from my boss, to the point of I didn’t manage to control myself that I burst out into tears in front of my co-officemates in marketing department. I’m so sensitive and stupid last night, I shouldn’t let them see I cried just because of it!!.. Up to now, I’m still hurting, those words keep on rumbling in my ears, as if I am so incompetent to my job. My boss told me that I shouldn’t be crying over it, and I shouldn’t bother myself thinking about it because he knows my capabilities well and he knows that it’s not my fault and I didn’t do any wrong. I know to myself, that I did my job. Is it unfair to put all the blame to us? In the first place, it’s not our fault if most of the guests made a reply to the RSVP very late. It’s not our fault why there are ample of tickets left.

She didn’t know the words appreciation, she just took for granted all the efforts made by her staffs. For her, she’s not satisfied of what we did. During the event, we never heard her acknowledge the managers, to think that these people served the company ever since and they are the ones who really contributed to the growth of the company. It’s okay to us if she didn’t acknowledge us, but these people including my boss deserves more than a simple thank you. She just learned to congratulate my boss the day after the event, after she heard some good comments from her friends regarding the success of the show.

Perhaps, I must also understand her that maybe she is also stressed of the upcoming event, she worries too much whether it would be a success.

In fairness to my immediate boss, he treats us well, from a short period of time I worked here in this company, he never treats us as one of his subordinates, it is as if we’re on the same level. All along, he tried to protect us.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Library

September 12, 2009, in spite of hard rain that night, me and my cousins went to “The Library”, a comedy bar located in Malate. It’s my first time to go in a comedy bar. It’s a bonding moment with my cousins, especially my cousin with his girlfriend who came from Australia. We see them once a year, that’s why we want to make the most of our time together, although, I’m having a “nose bleed” during our conversation, hehehe… I tried to communicate well to them. In fairness to it, they do understand me.. hehehe..

Back to the “The Library”, we enjoyed being there, it’s fun! The stand-up comedians are good although most of their jokes are “green jokes”, and of course what do you expect in a comedy bar, most of their performers are gay but they’re all good. The singers are excellent, I wonder how they do it easily.. being relax while singing in high tune. I wish I also have that kind of voice.. hehehe.. I ignored my drink, I’m just focus on the performances in the stage while eating some finger foods.. :) Anyway, I don’t intend to be drunk that night..

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I don’t know if this is regret for what I have done years ago or just curious.. what if I’d given him another chance, what if I opened it all to him, what if I tried to know the truth first before I say it’s over, what if.. haaay.. so many “what if’s… what happen next after all that what if’ s?..

I know it’s nonsense to think about it again, it’s been years ago, I don’t why after all those years when I thought I’m done with him, then suddenly all thoughts of him, of what happened runs into my mind haunting me all over again… As I said, it’s nonsense and hopeless.. the last thing I know about him is that he’s already married, no not married because they’re just living together, I mean, he’s living with the girl because he got her pregnant. It’s absurd to think that when I first hear the news, his friend told me that he’s getting me as one of the “ninangs” of his child, although I never really think about it would happen.. but lucky for me, I never have to be in a an awkward situation with them because the girl had a miscarriage.

Anyway, maybe it’s all my fault why it all happened to us, because I never let him speak with me. I just left him hanging, wondering what happen to us, why the sudden change of my mind. I wasted all his efforts he’d done to win me back or even just simply talk to me, to clear things out. I’m a type of person that is afraid to show how I am feeling, afraid for everybody around me especially those people close to me that I am hurting, afraid that they will think how stupid I am or will they take pity on me, that’s why just because of rumors (rumors because up to now I never had a chance to know the truth, because of his stupid friends), I just let him go, I didn’t let him know how I am hurting the moment I heard it from his friends, I lied to him why I didn’t want him anymore… After that, it became impossible to me to make friends with him even if he asked for it. It took years for me to have a talk with him, but neither of our talks cleared things out of our past. Maybe I’m still afraid to know the truth, that I am wrong! Besides, it’s too late, our lives change, we have different paths now.. he has his family although he lost his child and I’m not sure If they were still together, I never want to know it either. I don’t want to engage myself in a complicated situations, my life is already complicated to add it.

I don’t know why I am still wasting my time thinking and writing about it, maybe this is just my way to let it out in me, because no one will understand me, no one knows what happened years ago.

Sometimes, even if I don't intend to think about him, he just slips in my mind, thinking, how is he, where is he?.. My mind tells me that I’m already over with him, we’re done and I agree with it long time ago.. but now, I'm not sure anymore, I'm confused...

And if ever we're given a chance to talk again, I don't think it's right to talk about it again..

All of this is nonsense.. :(

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

the climb

a while ago, I’m thinking of a new topic to posts on my blog..

it just so happen that I remember listening to this song and find it beautiful..

actually, I’m not really a fan of her, i didn’t know her either..

all I know, is that she’s in Hannah Montana, I didn’t even watch it..

anyway, I like her song and the lyrics itself..

this is it..

The Climb

By Miley Cyrus

I can almost see it
That dream I'm dreaming but
There's a voice inside my head sayin,
You'll never reach it,
Every step I'm taking,
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking but I
Got to keep trying
Got to keep my head held high

There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes I'm gonna to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

The struggles I'm facing,
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes they knock me down but
No I'm not breaking
I mean I know it
But these are the moments that
I'm going to remember most yeah
Just got to keep going
And I,
I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on,
(Repeat Chorus 2x)

Keep on moving
Keep climbing
Keep the faith baby
It's all about
It's all about
The climb
Keep the faith
Keep your faith

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Lea Katrina Gulinao, yan ang full name ng friend q when I was in 1st year sa Manila High School. Wala talaga q maalala na meron pa aqng ibang taong nakaclose nung mga time n un kundi xa.. Nung ng2nd year high school na aq, ngtransfer na xa ibang school dahil lumipat n clan g haus so nawala n ung communication nmn after that, lalo pa’t hindi pa nmn uso ang mga cp sa mga student nuon.. hehe..

Then, when I step in college dun n yta ngstart mauso ang friendster at ngkaron aq ng 1st ever cp q.. masaya ka na nun kht nokia 3310 lng ang unit ng cp mo.. hehe.. Kahit sobrang tagal na nun, my mga times p dn n naaalala q ung friendship nmn, ung mga kalokohan maski ung taong lagi nming secret na pnagtatawanan sa kabilang section dahil kontrabida yta xa sa paningin nmn.. hehe

Anyway, dhl nga sa friendster, ngkaron ulit kmi ng communication, ngpalitan ng number hnggng sa un.. naicpan nmng mgkta ulit after 10years.. grabe tlga, icpin mo 10years n pla ang nakalipas, and yet masaya kmi at nandun p rn ung friendship.. nung hinde p nga kmi ngkkta prang naiimagine lng nmn ang isat isa evry tym n mgkatxt kmi ung mga itsura nmn nung 13-14 years old kmi.. hehe.. batang-bata.. sabi nga nmn, ok lng kht 10years na ang nakalipas, ganun p dn nmn mga itsura nmn, hehe.. forever young.. d nmn ngbago..

August 16, 2009… ngmeet kmi ni lea ulit sa sm manila, prang reunion nmng dalawa.. hinde q inexpect n mggng masaya kmi ng ganun at mgeenjoy mghapon.. akala q kc mgkakailangan kmi pag ngkita na kmi.. iba pa rin kc pg thru txt lng..

Funny, dhl same kming excited.. muka ngang mas excited xa kysa skn kc ang aga nya dumatng sa sm manila 9:30am, eh 11:00am ang usapan nmn.. hehe.. napabilis lng pla ang byahe nya from cavite.. nung dumating aq dun at ngkita kmi, nakilala agd nmn ang isat isa, para kming mga bata n bgla n lng kmi nghug each other sa saya n atlast ngkta ulit kmi.. hehe..

Siniguro tlga nmn n mgging enjoy ang mghapon, dumiretso kmi sa quantum tapos ngvideoke kmi dun sa mga vip room, tamang kanta kmi kht d nmn pngsinger ang mga voice nmn.. hehe.. pero ayos lng, masaya nmn, at wala nmng ibang makakarinig n iba smn.. hehe.. after nun nglunch kmi sa bacolod chicken inasal, natatawa nga smn ung waiter pano b nmn ang dami ng inorder nmn.. hehe.. tg2 garlic rice kmi, tapos ulam nmn chicken inasal, adobong kangkong, pork sisig plus 1 pitchel ng iced tea.. hehe.. sobrang busog kmi nun..

After nun, nanood kmi ng movie, The Proposal ky Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds. Ang first choice nya nga na movie ung And I love You So, kaya lng dhl nga sa my issue ang SM at Star Cinema, hnde showing sa SM ang movie n gusto nya, fanatic p nmn xa ng Star Cinema movies.. pero gusto dn nmn nya ng The Proposal, kaya ayun pnanood nmn.. Satisfied nmn.. masaya.. Before nga kmi nanood ng movie, ngpicture taking p kmi sa mga nkaset ng props dun ng UP (movie), same pla kming picture addict na wlng care sa mga tao basta ngpicture kmi.. hehe.. pati nga ung nglalaro ng chess sa giant chess board sa 4th flr ng SM napagdskitahan nming kuhanan ng picture.. hehe.. hinde pa kmi nakuntento, pagkatapos nmnng manood ng sine, kumain p kmi ulit, this tym malamig nmn, mango tango skn, avocado sa knya.. after nun, hala bumirit n nmn kmi sa kantahan.. ngvideoke ulit kmi.. hehe..

Late n kmi pareho nakauwi, hinatid q xa sa bus terminal ng laguna, uuwi kc xa ng laguna, dun kc xa ngwowork.. 9pm n q dumating sa haus nmn.. hehe.. pero ok lng masaya nmn..

Pinromise nmn n uulitin nmn ung gnawa nmn.. hehe.. masyado yta nmn namiss ang isat isa..

Movie Review: The Proposal

Genre: Romantic Comedy

When high-powered book editor Margaret (Sandra Bullock) faces deportation to her native Canada, the quick-thinking exec declares that she's actually engaged to her unsuspecting put-upon assistant Andrew (Ryan Reynolds), who she's tormented for years. He agrees to participate in the charade, but with a few conditions of his own. The unlikely couple heads to Alaska to meet his quirky family (Mary Steenburgen, Craig T. Nelson, Betty White) and the always-in-control city girl finds herself in one comedic fish-out-of-water situation after another. With an impromptu wedding in the works and an immigration official on their tails, Margaret and Andrew reluctantly vow to stick to the plan despite the precarious consequences.


The Proposal is a total feel good and heart warming movie. If you love Sandra Bullock and have fun with Ms. Congeniality, then this is a must watch movie for you. This is also her comeback after a long absence from a romantic comedy. It was rumored that the Margaret Tate role of Sandra Bullock was supposedly played by Julia Roberts but for some reasons Sandra got the role.

Anyway, I like Sandra Bullock, especially in Speed and Ms. Congeniality. She can be smart, tough, and funny then transforms to a vulnerable woman in an instant.

n The Proposal, Sandra Bullock plays Margaret Tate, a high-powered book editor. She’s the slave-driving bitch in the eyes of her co-employees in their publishing company. Ryan Reynolds plays Andrew Paxton, the assistant of Margaret. The hook of the movie was when Margaret forced Andrew to marry her just to save her from being deported to
Canada and when they went to Andrew’s home in Alaska to inform his family that they are getting married. From there, she discovers that Andrew belongs from a rich family, most of the business in the town of Sitka, Alaska was owned by their family plus he lives in a big mansion, to think that Andrew was only her assistant.

The movie has its share of laughs as Margaret gets into awkward situations caused by their supposedly sham marriage. The old grandma of Andrew also adds fun to the movie she’s so cool and funny.

At first, I thought the ex-girlfriend of Andrew was the hindrance in their growing affection to each other but as the story goes, it was the father of Andrew. The ex-girlfriend of Andrew is not really a threat to Margaret.

I don’t like the immigration official who follows them up to the Alaska just to prove that their engagement is a fraud.

It is very entertaining movie and there are lots of comedic moments. I wont spoil the ending for those who haven’t seen the movie, but it is a happy one!