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Monday, March 26, 2012

ADDICTED to ... books !

I love reading books. I don’t have specific genre or what kind of book I want to read, as long as it’s interesting for me.I think it started out back when I was in High School days. I can still remember the first book I ever read, the “Sweet Valley High” which I only borrowed from my best friend that time. It is actually a series book, from then on I started reading different books/novels.

I’m also addicted to reading tagalog romance novels during my teenage days. I can finish reading atmost 10 pieces of novels a day. My mom would get angry at me that time because I can no longer do any household chores because of that, all I do is just read, read and read the whole day. But nowadays, I don’t read any tagalog romance novels, I don’t know, I just don’t enjoy it anymore. It seems like it doesn’t appeal to me now and I didn’t find it interesting compared before, the stories are so common and boring.

During my College days, I love reading fiction novels; scary stories about aliens, ghosts, super naturals, etc. I am a big fan of Dean Koontz when it comes to fiction books. I also like reading novel versions of movies I have watched. I appreciate both the movies and novels, although they have some differences.

Sometimes I was able to influence my other friends and even my sister who’s not really into reading books. They are intrigued on how enthusiastic I am with what I am reading, then eventually they will borrow it from me and then after that they are as addicted to books as me. :D

Right now, I have lots of e-books collections of different authors saved in my laptop, it is actually from my friend who is also addicted to reading books. I don’t know yet how will I read them one by one since I’ve been busy to work these past few days. But, I’m hoping I could because it’s one of my goal this year; to read more books compared to last year.


Anonymous said...

Hi Gracie!

Thanks for following my blog :)

I just read your post about books, I absolutely LOVE reading (mainly historical fiction and romance - I'm a huge fan of Jane Austen, if only she'd lived longer to write more books!!) Also, I started off reading Sweet Valley High too! I was in high school and I would borrow a book from the series every week! That's definitely where my love of reading began too (that and the Babysitter's Club).

Happy blogging! :)

gracie said...

hi gabrielle !..

Wow!.. that's nice to know that we have the same passion on reading books.

By the way, I find your blog interesting although it's more of a personal blog like mine.

Thanks for leaving a comment here.. :)